Fitness For Older Adults
Transformative Movement at Any Age or Ability
What’s happening to my body?!
Muscles, Bones, Skin & Hair
Vital Organs & Systems
Brain & Mind Function
Muscles, Bones, Skin & Hair.
- Bone loss and/or decreasing bone density lead to bone disease and fractures.
- Muscular degeneration leads to loss of strength and stability
Vital Organs & Systems
- Heart works harder. Heart disease and stroke are among the leading causes of concern for men and women age 50 and over.
- Less aggressive immune response.
- Urinary and sexual performance issues.
Brain & Mind Function
- Brain health (memory, emotions, motor, and tactile function) can be affected by age-related changes in the brain.
- Lack of physical activity contributes to deterioration in brain health in older adults.
Sooo … what can I DO about it?!

It’s amazing how quickly our aging bodies respond to movement and resistance. Members who show up for themselves each week always see improvement over 90 days

Improved strength, especially core strength, leads to improved balance, and it doesn’t take as much as you’d think! In our movement sessions together, you’ll learn the postures and which muscles to engage to make a huge difference in your balance. You don’t have to remember a bunch of stuff because we’ll remind you throughout your sessions. 🙂

When we make an intentional practice of moving all of our parts—or at least the parts we’re still able to move—they just move better! We all know this but don’t seem to find time to do it often enough to get favorable results. Agree? We show you how simple it can be to show up once a week, complete a fun and simple movement session, AND GET RESULTS THAT YOU’LL LOVE!

Wait! What does that have to do with physical dexterity? Well, we’re glad you asked. 🙂 We just want you to know that we’re available for tech support up to 15 minutes before each class to assist you as needed to ensure you’re able to tune into class!
Discover how to gain strength, mobility, and balance simpler and in WAY LESS TIME than you ever thought possible!
What members are saying about their participation in our LIVE movement sessions…
Thank you Eric for caring about us. I’m encouraged because I feel like I’m making progress. I walked out to the mailbox today for the first time in a while, and I’m more conscientious about walking and using my core. 🙂
Good mix of sitting & standing. I like having the option to stand or sit for different exercises!
As a result of class, I found myself watching my posture during the week, and I think I’m starting to notice a difference already.
Transform your physical abilities, even if you’ve experienced debilitating injuries or physical restrictions.
As we age, we begin to think that our “window of opportunity” to maintain or regain our physical dexterity has passed. Science has shown that a person—practically any person—regardless of age OR physical restrictions can improve AND MAINTAIN their physical stamina and abilities well past age 90! Join us for our simple, proven results program!
Movement and fitness are not about showing up at the gym 5 days a week and “hitting it hard.” We believe that fitness and well-being are about a lifestyle of activity, nourishment, and community. We believe that these are lifestyle elements that help to keep us vibrant at any age.
This IS:
- A Lifestyle Change
- A Community
- All about YOU and becoming the best version of yourself—REGARDLESS OF AGE!
- A one-time promotion or holiday special or even your new year’s resolution.
- It is also NOT a celebrity-led, high energy, fat burning, explosive workout designed to help you lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
“My left hip is much better … I can squat and bend better, climb stairs and walk easier. I’m even stronger now … since I don’t remember when! I don’t ever want to go back to where I was.” — JoVone K.
Class Format to Fit Your Schedule
Schedule your classes when it works best for you!
Membership Includes:
- Full access to our weekly sessions (live or online)
- Access on-demand class recordings–anytime, anywhere
- Limited class size to maintain result-focused individual instruction
- Classes for all levels—try a class and if it’s not the right fit, contact your advisor and pick a class that better suits your level and needs. It’s that simple!
Choose Your Journey
Live! PLUS Membership |
Live! Membership |
Move Membership |
No Contracts. You can cancel at any time.
What do I need to access the classes?
All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access and an active email address. We’ll send you a reminder the day before each class along with a clickable Zoom link that will take you straight to the session.
Will I be supported or am I on my own?
You most definitely are supported! We schedule a check-in call with every member following every class to get your input, where you’re at in terms of your goal(s), and answer your questions. You also receive surveys that help us to change and improve classes, communication, and everything really. Your perspective and experience is what matters most because everything we do is aimed at making every part of this program as simple and effective as possible for you!
Can I do it?
You get to try it FREE FOR 14 DAYS and see for yourself, BUT your instructor will provide modifications for every movement to accommodate all sorts of physical limitations. You have the opportunity to go through the movements and choose the modifications that best suit you. ALSO, you have the opportunity to schedule a personal check-in call with your class instructor following each class. These calls are designed to field your questions and get your input about how class went for you and how it could have been better. Input from members is what helps us to improve the member experience.
What if I can’t make it every week?
No problem! Just jump on the next class that works with your schedule!
Want to try before you join?
Strengthen. Improve Balance. Increase Mobility.